Communities Committed to Strengthening the Dignity of Malian Women
Through a transformative approach, the DANBE project contributes to improving sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and to reducing gender-based violence (GBV) in four health districts of Mali.
This initiative promotes sustainable behavior changes to address barriers and increase gender equality in the health sector, as well as in communities.
DANBE’s actions revolve around three main objectives:
- Strengthen SRHR/GBV services offered in health centers (HCs) and women’s self-help centers (FHCs) in order to adapt them to the needs of adolescent girls and women;
- Support and strengthen institutional stakeholders’ capacities in order to effectively coordinate intersectoral interventions in favor of SRHR and GBV reduction;
- Empower adolescent girls and women by working in parallel with communities in order to increase the systematic participation of Malian women in the management of resources and activities related to their health, the respect of their rights and the promotion of gender equality.
Close to 2 million people, including 545,166 women and adolescent girls aged 10 to 49, will benefit from this project.
February 2022
February 2026
West Africa
Activity sector
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
CA $12,820,000
Bailleur de fondsGlobal Affairs Canada
Project in consortium with International Medical Corps (IMC)
- Mali’s Ministry of Health and Social Development (MSDS)
- Mali’s Ministry for the Advancement of Women, Children and Families (MPFEF)
- Mali’s National Federation of Community Health Associations (FENASCOM)