Healthy Communities – NQSF
The SIGIDA KENEYA project focuses on the essential role that women members of the Women’s User Committees (WUCs) of two University Community Health Centres (CSCom-Us) can play within the Malian health system.
Through its actions, this initiative aims to equip and support the WUCs and their 170 members in their mission to improve Malian communities’ access to quality primary health care in the regions of Kayes and Segou.
These efforts will include:
- Various training activities on management, women’s leadership, primary health care, women’s health rights and more
- Support to help WUCs obtain legal recognition
- The creation of forums for dialogue and intergenerational mentoring between the WUCs and their members
- The implementation of income-generating activities
- Support for the realization of health promotion activities within the communities
This initiative is carried out under the « Nouveau Québec sans frontières » program, thanks to financial support from the Government of Québec (Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie – MRIF). It is implemented in synergy and complementarity with the actions of the CLEFS project.
Women Users’ Committees (WUC) and Community Health Associations (ASACO) linked to the University Community Health Centres (CSCom-U) of Koniakary (Kayes region) and Konobougou (Ségou region)