21 January 2022
21 JANUARY 2022 – CARE, Santé Monde, and Lawyers Without Borders Canada are pleased to announce a new initiative entitled “Women and Girls Standing up with Dignity for our Sexual and Reproductive Rights” (FANMKAD), generously funded by the Government of Canada.
This $6.7M CAD project aims to improve access to the right to health, particularly the sexual and reproductive health and rights, of women and adolescent girls in Haiti.
Over its four-year duration, FANMKAD will collaborate with different ministries of the government of Haiti, including the Ministry of Public Health and Population, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security along with state-owned institutions, and civil society organizations to advance the sexual and reproductive health of women and adolescent girls.
In an ever-increasing context of recurrent humanitarian crises that directly impact basic social service delivery systems, FANMKAD will pioneer efforts geared towards creating a gender-just world—where women and girls are free from all forms of violence and are able fulfill their full potential. Aligning with key Government of Canada priorities, the project will directly contribute to reducing existing gender gaps in access to sexual and reproductive health services.
FANMKAD’s key interventions include health provider training, advocacy activities, and support for legal and civil society organizations which will offer psycho-social and legal services to women and adolescent girls while adequately responding to their needs.
The project will work closely with local communities, with the aim of improving the ways Haitian women and girls access their rights to sexual and reproductive health care and services. The project will engage men, boys, community leaders, and opinion makers to support, promote, and drive gender equal rights and access to sexual and reproductive health services. The project aims to reach over 70,000 Haitian women, men, and adolescent girls and boys.
By working together with local partners and local communities, FANMKAD will support women and adolescent girls to have greater control over the decisions that affect their sexual and reproductive health.