20 December 2021
A few weeks ago, we received an unexpected call. A generous philanthropist wanted to contribute significantly to our activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. After consulting with our team on site, we made a list of the most pressing needs. The philanthropist agreed to donate a well to provide clean water to an entire community!
After only a few weeks, a well was dug on the site of the Bukana health center, one of the health centers supported by the Access to Health Services in Kinshasa (ASSK) project. This health center serves several villages that are very isolated and difficult to access. The well will be able to serve four large villages located near the health center, covering a total population of 2,883 inhabitants. In order to ensure the sustainability of the well, a committee will be formed to ensure its management and maintenance, with the support of the ASSK team.
And the water came gushing out!
Good news: the water from the well is safe to drink, and does not require any treatment! On the picture, community members did not waste any time and filled their containers as soon as the water came gushing out. Soon, a base will be built to support a cistern.
Would you like to become a philanthropist too? Contact us!
All donations are directed to the communities we support. No administration fees are collected by Santé Monde.