
Supporting Santé Monde is more than simply making a donation. It has real impact on community health and well-being!

Your generosity will help improve healthcare access and conditions for thousands of people around the world.

Whether a one-time or monthly donation, you have many options. Each and every donation counts!


Santé Monde

How is your donation used?

How is your donation used?

Healthcare human resource
support and training

  • Structure and optimize local prevention activities
  • Promote gender equality in health system management
  • Increase the effectiveness and sustainability of established community projects
  • Improve the quality of services provided by paramedical staff
  • Diversify the services available to women, children, and adolescents
Santé Monde

Improvement of medical infrastructure and equipment

  • Installation of solar panels in medical environments
  • Provision of specialized equipment
  • Management of biomedical waste in a sustainable way
Santé Monde

Water and hygiene

  • Access to potable water in health facilities
  • Hand washing stations in healthcare settings
  • Clean and functional toilets and showers
Santé Monde